4 Keys To Prospecting Success – Real Estate Agent

4 Keys To Prospecting Success – Real Estate Agent!

Proper prospecting is the lifeblood of a successful practice. The National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) recommends four ways to develop your prospecting skills into an art:

Ask for referrals, but at the right time. Timing is everything when asking for referrals, and asking prior to a closing is a tactless mistake. Wait to ask until your client’s “emotional high” at closing, or run the risk of jeopardizing the sale.

Strike while the iron is hot because prospects may cool off. When you get a referral, treat it like it has an expiration date of two days. Make sure to track and use personal data (for e.g., birthdays and personal interests) to deepen relationships over time.

Schedule phone time every day and don’t allow interruptions. Set a minimum of two hours for daily phone prospecting, and treat this time like any important appointment. Avoid selling over the phone. Instead create interest, and then set face-to-face meetings. Work from an outline or script so you won’t forget critical information—and don’t take rejection personally. Just keep calling.

Qualify your prospects and learn to recognize low-conversion triggers quickly, such as financing or timing, as not everyone will be financially qualified or ready to purchase right away. A trusted loan officer can help with prospects’ financing. For other low-priority prospects, implement an auto-marketing system to keep in touch; you can bet that they’ll remember you when they are in a position to buy.

Focus on these prospecting tips and keep your appointment calendar packed with qualified prospects all year long.
Source: NAR, realtor.com

The key to all of this is to have a “PLAN!” Having an organized plan as a Real Estate Agent will help you get in motion to accomplishing your goals. So start today and don’t delay! 

Take care and happy prospecting.

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