
How to Connect on Social Media – Lead Generation


It has stumped business individuals since they started leveraging social media. How can you connect with your audience? Can you really connect on social media? Without the face-to-face interaction, or the individual emails and phone calls, how can you really interact with each person and create a “relationship”?

In today’s day and age, there are different types of relationships, and digital relationships are a real thing. With dating apps like Tinder and Match, and with other social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram, face-to-face isn’t as necessary to create a relationship, whatever kind of relationship it may be. The same is true for garnering leads. So how does social media connect us?

Connect with Leads on Social Media

These free social networking sites are a GREAT way to get outside your friend circle and reach a vast audience! As you’re trying to connect on social media with your array of potential leads, there are a few things you want to do.

connect on social mediaBe Present

As you try to make a name for yourself on social media, the worst thing you can do is create a profile and then leave it. If you’re not present on your social media accounts, no one will have any reason to visit it or interact with you. Prove to your audience that you’re on social media. Keep posting, sharing and commenting.

The more action going on, the better. By being there constantly, people will be able to gain a better sense of who you are and are more likely to trust you.

Be Consistent

Similar to being present, you want to be consistent. Posting every few days or weeks because you happened to remember isn’t going to cut it. Be on social media consistently. Have posts go out regularly and try to engage with others’ posts here and there.

That consistent presence is important to gain attention and ultimately, trust.

Be Creative

As you post and interact on social media, get creative. Try different kinds of posts that encourage engagement. Every so often, post things that are different from the norm. Don’t get stuck in a rut with your posting. Although it may be hard to grasp, you have to remember that this isn’t just something to cross off your to-do list, this is about you creating relationships.

Learn More about how Sun American can help you dominate in this area. Visit our Here: https://www.sunamerican.com


Be Social

I know it seems so obvious, but remember to be social. You don’t just want to be a computer pushing out a daily post. If people comment, comment back! 

In your posts, ask questions that encourage your potential leads to think, and, ideally, to reply. Be a good communicator!

Another way to connect with leads is to message them directly through social media. Facebook and other social media sites allow you to communicate directly with your fans. Just as you’d call a website lead, don’t hesitate to message a potential Facebook lead. If someone is engaging with your different posts, reach out and see what you can help them with.

social media - messageBe Yourself

Most importantly, be yourself! Be candid. If someone was to interact with you on Facebook, you don’t want them to be surprised when they meet you in person. Be personable and help people see the real you! (Videos can help with this. CLICK HERE to see how.)

Although it seems crazy to connect on social media with potential leads, it’s the way it is. Instead of avoiding it, jump in! Facebook and other social media platforms can be a great tool and can generate leads. Don’t be afraid to connect on social media. Let these tools work for you!


Don’t feel like you have time to run a CONSISTENT, EFFECTIVE social media account? LET US HELP YOU! We can do your social media for you! Our consistency and expertise will help you make those important relationships.

If you’d like more information on this program Sun American Mortgage offers, and how we can help with your social media, contact Jeff Boulton – [email protected]480-467-1069.

CLICK HERE for more details on our Marketing Program. 

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